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Dienstag, 13. Februar 2018

Neue Filme - Di, Feb 13, 2018

Auflistung von neuen Filmen, die während der letzten 5Tage auf Netflix Deutschland zugänglich wurden. Diese Filme sind alle zur Zeit als Online-Stream verfügbar.

Feb 13

Los 33Los 33
(2015) 127


Feb 12

Alien Contact: Outer SpaceAlien Contact: Outer Space
(2017) 62

Available in HD on your TV imdb

Feb 11

(2015) 106

Available in HD on your TV imdb

Feb 9

Brothers Grimsby, TheBrothers Grimsby, The
(2016) 83

Rotten Tomatoes
Rotten Critics
Spilled Popcorn Audience
Source CodeSource Code
(2011) 1 h 32 min

Rotten Tomatoes
Certified Fresh Critics
Popcorn Audience
Available in HD on your TV imdb
Seeing AllredSeeing Allred
(2018) 95

Rotten Tomatoes
Fresh Critics
Available in HD on your TV imdb
Trader (Sovdagari), TheTrader (Sovdagari), The
(2018) 23

Available in HD on your TV imdb
I Give It a YearI Give It a Year
(2013) 1hr 37m

Rotten Tomatoes
Rotten Critics
Spilled Popcorn Audience
Available in HD on your TV imdb
When We First MetWhen We First Met
(2018) 97

Rotten Tomatoes
Rotten Critics
Spilled Popcorn Audience
Available in HD on your TV imdb
Ritual, TheRitual, The
(2018) 94

Rotten Tomatoes
Fresh Critics
Spilled Popcorn Audience
Available in HD on your TV imdb

Feb 8

Most Wanted Man, AMost Wanted Man, A
(2014) 121

Rotten Tomatoes
Certified Fresh Critics
Spilled Popcorn Audience
Available in HD on your TV imdb
Inside Llewyn DavisInside Llewyn Davis
(2013) 1hr 44m

Rotten Tomatoes
Certified Fresh Critics
Spilled Popcorn Audience
Available in HD on your TV imdb
Red DragonRed Dragon
(2002) 2 h 4 min

Rotten Tomatoes
Fresh Critics
Spilled Popcorn Audience
Christina P: Mother InferiorChristina P: Mother Inferior
(2017) 59

Available in HD on your TV imdb
Role ModelsRole Models
(2008) 98

Rotten Tomatoes
Certified Fresh Critics
Spilled Popcorn Audience

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